Greetings from the Philippines once again! Wow! What a week it has been!
Monday morning we departed for the province of Abucay. Our travels there were blessed with beautiful green lands and mountainous views. This is important to mention because it is much different than the city life that we spent our first week in. Much more peaceful (no constant car honking).
At Abucay Rural Health Unit, we had the opportunity to work with professionals and student interns in the areas of physical therapy, occupational therapy, and sports science. Watching the girls dive into the experience was something very great to see. Janea and Mariah made great connections with the interns within the physical therapy sector. The hands on experience that they received and the connections with the patients and interns allowed them to become comfortable with patient interaction (bedside manners) as well as get a true feel for what occurs at Abucay Rural Health Unit. The interns within the PT sector really embraced the girls and allowed them to really experience working with the patients while giving them opportunities to ask questions and observe.
Aliah and Megan had the opportunity to work with the sports science interns. The patients that the students worked with were atypical to what they would normally work with. Many patients had suffered from strokes but had advanced from the physical therapy sector into the sports science sector. The girls had opportunities to go off site and see different athletes trained in personal gyms also.
Myself, Aliah, and Mariah had the opportunity to do some training clinics with high school basketball players. We taught them different offensive and defensive drills. Its amazing how the locals don’t sweat much but us Americans are definitely taking in the humidity the best we can.
I had the opportunity to run a volleyball clinic with high school volleyball players, while the girls entertained the crowd of students in many different ways. The Filipino students love to take pictures with the Americans.
Things to be noted: Janea is doing so well with diving into interacting with patients. She has ventured out and tried some new foods, and even rode on the backside of a tricycle. Megan is stepping out of her comfort zone so well. She has been interacting with the professionals we get to engage with and soaking in so many great lessons. I am so proud of how she has pushed her limits in different areas. She also made it through a ride on the back of a tricycle. We definitely applauded her for that. Mariah is also doing so well with interacting with patients. I think she really shined at Abucay Rural Health Unit by seizing every opportunity to be hands on with patients. Aliah has really been learning from these different opportunities we have had as they are all different than what she hopes to go into. Shes been so proactive in asking questions and seeking to learn new things. She has also tried quite a few different foods.
We were sad to leave Abucay, but the girls seemed so refreshed after a long first week of not sleeping well. They really bonded with the student interns, whom were so hospitable to us all. As we prepare to make the final stretch here are some things you can be praying for.
1) Joy, as we are missing our families back home
2) Physical health, as weve had some minor health issues
3) Focus, as we prepare to step into another health unit
4) Our hearts as God is teaching all of us different lessons through serving the people here.
Here are a few pictures to sum up our time at Abucay Rural Health Unit