Global Health Engagement 2018 – Team East Africa Update #1
Hamjambo family and friends!
After 38 hours of traveling, 4 stops, and a 3-hour night in a hotel, we have arrived safely in Kigoma. The Pepper’s greeted us at the airport and took us to our home where a local woman cooked us breakfast. After breakfast, we packed up the physical therapy equipment and went to set up the room we will be working in and got a tour of Kigoma Baptist Hospital. A group of us went to do home healthcare and the others stayed behind to do nutrition education for diabetes. At the home healthcare visit we were able to pray over a woman who was severely handicapped due to a number of health issues. After that, we came home and some of us went for a run before meeting the rest of the group at the lake for a swim and some kayaking. We received much attention as a group of American’s running down the side of the road in a single file line. After our swim, we watched a beautiful sunset before going home to enjoy another local cooked delicious meal. Tomorrow we’re headed to an Muslim village for community outreach, health survey and a soccer game. Please be praying for peace, grace and the leading of the Holy Spirit as we share light in a very dark place.