The Lies of Locke Lamora:A Book Review
Veanna Guevara
The Lies of Locke Lamora is an adult high fantasy, fast paced, heart wrenching book series written by Scott Lynch. The first book follows Locke, Jean, Bug, Calo, and Galdo, five thieves who steal to their hearts content as long as it’s within the terms of The Secret Peace—until the Grey King interrupts their all too important game against the rich.
Aspiring writers will note how this book is rich with descriptions and imagery, suggesting a likeness of Venice. So much so that the reader can easily envision the city of Camorr and its relatable characters. The setting is a character within itself; nothing is left to the imagination, which makes the place feel more concrete.
Additionally, The Lies of Locke Lamora has an interesting way of showing grief throughout the story. The way that Scott handles grief differently with each of the characters is masterful. It is raw and powerful—slow, yet all-consuming. Young writers can explore the complex relationship between characterization, theme, and reader connection as they follow along the journey Scott’s given them.
With that said, this book is special and will always have a place in my heart. In this case, this book is great for those who are struggling with describing the areas of their fantastical world. It also showcases how grief is different with everyone. Needless to say, I highly recommend this book series for those who love heists and found family tropes.