Dazed Starling 2022 Open For Submissions!
Submit your poetry, fiction, or creative nonfiction to The Dazed Starling for possible publication in the Spring 2022 Issue!
Current CBU undergraduate and graduate students, including December 2022 graduates, may submit multiple pieces in multiple categories, but please observe the overall limits below:

FICTION (Including Flash Fiction): 20 double-spaced pages max (5,000 words max)
POETRY: 5 pieces
CREATIVE NONFICTION: 20 double-spaced pages max (5,000 words max)
Submissions should be grouped by category, but please submit each entry as an individual file.
- For example, if you would like to submit 5 poems and 2 short stories:
- Save each work as it’s own Word/Rtf File with no personal information in the file.
- Submit the 5 poetry files all at once.
- Then submit the 2 short stories together.
Each student can submit to each of the categories once, so prep all of your files before submitting.
No personally identifying information should be on the submission file–only the title and the work itself should be included in the file (Word/rtf).
**If you’re not a current student, considering submitting The Dazed Starling: Unbound, which publishes works from current students, alumni, faculty, and friends of the university (including visual art).