The Dazed Starling: Unbound Advent 2021
Dear Readers,
Thank you for joining us for our first Advent edition of the Dazed Starling: Unbound. In years past, we haven’t been able to have both a fall and spring publication, but thanks to our growing program and technological advances, we’re excited to expand the space for creative expression here at CBU.
Advent is the traditional time of preparation for the celebration of the birth of Christ. In the weeks leading up to Christmas, the lighting of candles, singing of carols, and reading of Scriptures remind us that the miracle of the Incarnation is rooted in and produces hope, faith, joy, and peace. And that no matter how dark the world may seem, the Light has come into the world, and that Light will not be overcome.
So whether or not you light candles on an advent wreath, we invite you to enter into this season of anticipation with us. We hope these creative works encourage you and help you reflect upon the mystery and miracle of God’s great gift to us.
Merry Christmas,
The Dazed Starling: Unbound Editorial Team
View our digital edition here.