Purpose of Tribe

PURPOSE (3 minutes)

The goal of the purpose is to recast the vision of the tribe for old members and explain the vision of the tribe for people who may be new. Andy Stanley says, “vision leaks.” It is our role to constantly refocus and direct people to the larger vision of Tribes, Challenge and CBU’s commitment to the Great Commission.

Each week we want everyone who attends to hear this statement: “This Tribe is a part of Challenge at CBU, which exists to help people move forward in their spiritual journey. No matter where you’re at spiritually, we want to read God’s Word together to learn more about who God is and respond to it by taking the next steps of growth.”

After the purpose statement, we want the person sharing this part to talk about how they have grown through tribes in the past few weeks, whether it’s a specific truth they’ve learned, a lesson they’ve applied or the encouragement from being a part of the group.