A few weeks ago I received an email from an organization called Youth Works. This email basically said, “Last summer you expressed interest in working with us and we wanted to let you know our application for the summer of 2014 is now open.”At first I was really confused, I had never heard of this organization before, but I thought I might have stumbled upon their site last summer when I was applying for jobs. So I decided to take a look, maybe fill out the application. What harm could that do?
Once I took a look at their website I knew two things. One, I definitely never came across this organization before and two, it was definitely an organization that I would want to work for during the summer. Let me give you a glimpse of what this organization does. Youth Works basically runs a summer camp for middle school and high school students. However, instead of doing camp activities, the youth participate in service projects around the community they are in. Youth Works programs are placed in 75 different communities around the U.S., Canada, and Puerto Rico. This organization is doing things I am passionate about: serving and spreading the love of Jesus, while instilling these qualities into the youth.
Then I set out to complete the application and hand out my references. Within a day of completing my application, I had a phone interview scheduled for the next Monday. After that, I scheduled a Skype interview for a week later. During the Skype interview, I was told that I would know within the next two weeks whether or not I had gotten the job. Soon after, I received a phone call telling me I had gotten the job. What exactly will I be doing? Well, my official title is Service Coordinator. Basically, I am in charge of planning and organizing the service projects that the youth will be doing in the community.
A few weeks ago, I had no idea what I would be doing with my summer. I knew I had choir tour at the beginning of May, but after that my life was not planned. Now I know that I will leave the day choir tour ends (I know, slightly crazy) to head to a training center for a week and then to the community I will be working in. I am beyond excited about this crazy adventure that God has planned for me and the community I will be able to serve. I always forget to expect the unexpected, but that’s the beauty in the unexpected. It comes when you aren’t looking.