This past Saturday I completed the biggest project of my undergraduate career, my senior capstone. This is a project that I have been working on for the past three months, and it is finally done. Let me tell you, it is a huge relief to be finished with this grand project. This is one of the final stepping-stones to graduation. With this project complete, graduation is closer then ever.
You may be wondering what my capstone consists of or how long it is. Basically, it is a summary of all of the classes that I have taken during my time at California Baptist University. There were a total of 13 sections that needed to be completed in my portfolio. Each section included a reflection on the class, or classes included in the section, and how they helped to prepare me for teaching. Then there were a few sections where I had to write narratives on certain projects that I did and how it has helped prepare me. The final thing I had to do was upload examples of work from each class that I took during my time here at California Baptist University.
You see, the content of what went into my portfolio was not that hard. It was just time consuming. This biggest struggle was trying to remember assignments that I completed almost four years ago and determining how they helped as I prepare to become a teacher.
Once I completed my capstone I felt a big weight lifted off my shoulders, but it was soon right back on when I sat down to figure out what needed to be done by the end of the semester. I am a list maker and after I completed my capstone, I made a list of homework that needs to be completed by April 25th, which is when all work for graduating seniors is due. As I made the list of 19 items, I began to feel a little overwhelmed but excited as I realized once I finished everything on this list I would be ready for graduation.
Here’s a fun fact about myself: being able to highlight tasks off of a to do list is my favorite thing to do. Sometimes I will even add something to my list just so I can cross it off. Since Saturday I have been able to cross a few more things off my list. I’ve recognized that each item crossed off is one step closer to graduation, and that’s exciting.