Keeping it Weird
Here I sit at the end of a long day, listening to the last sounds of the coffeehouse event I just attended wrapping up quite literally just outside my door.
Readers, one is truly never far from events of any kind here at CBU.
The event we had was put on by the Village living area’s staff, and included free coffee and an open microphone for any of our residents to step out and share the gift of music among friends. Our over-caffeinated crowd cheered on performances that included Amy Winehouse covers, acoustic guitars and humming violins. This stood as a welcome partner to the previous Disney fiesta held here last semester, reminding me of the diversity of events pulled off by our RAs. The atmosphere of a joyful, yet laid-back community perfectly sums up this living area, and I was reminded that I am indeed residing in the right place.
After living in four different areas on campus, I have decided that if I were to categorize it, I’d say the Village is the Shire of the Middle Earth that is CBU. Our slogan is “Keep the Village Weird.” If that doesn’t sound like a place to have hobbit-style parties, then I don’t know what does.
I of course can’t throw that analogy out there without finishing it. Since CBU truly is as magical as Middle Earth without the threat of Sauron overtaking us all, I’d have to say that the dorms would be Bree, the Colony would be Rohan, UP would be Rivendell, and the Point would be Gondor. Basically, one will always have an adventure worthy of an 11-hour cinematic quest when hanging out on campus.
And now I continue on mine! I’ll see you here next week.
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