The Latest Festivities
In my years at CBU, I have seen some amazing things. The list includes an actual chocolate slip n slide, discussions with a respected Hollywood film producer and Academy member, hidden catacombs (that’s another story), and innumerable concerts involving some of my favorite bands. Too many opportunities have given me the chance to see these things, but I have to say that one of my favorite recurring events has consistently been the Halloween Hay Ride.
Let me say that while these events have always been great, the Residence Life staff really outdid themselves this time. They typically pick a theme and set up scenes and activities relating to that, along with candy and costumes along the way. This year, rather than picking just one film or story to draw from, they drew inspiration from the happiest place on earth and scattered Disney goodness all over campus. Allow me to give you just a small snippet of the glory involved in CBU’s Harvest celebration.
Residence Life completely decked out the Brisco’s Lawn with representations of various Disney movies and characters. Included, of course, was more candy than a human could possibly eat, hot chocolate, and anything you could imagine that would make Halloween amazing. They played music, had games, and even acted out skits worthy of America’s Got Talent. My personal favorite was a tribute to Mary Poppins’ chimney sweep scene. Throughout the campus were scenes from various cartoons that were ongoing through the evening. My roommate played Jasmine at the Aladdin scene – even though I live with her, I was still star-struck.
I really could not have imagined a more welcome study break. While classes plow forward, I always find opportunity to balance the chaos of life with fun at any and all campus events.
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