Carrying On
Senior year.
Very rarely have two words stopped me in my tracks while raising so many questions and thrilled anticipations. Wasn’t I a freshman just yesterday? Is studying literature and film really relevant? Will I get a job that allows me to use my degree? And why on earth do I still not know how to cook an egg without burning it?
Whether I believe it or not, I am here, living out a sort of epilogue to my undergraduate career. In my time so far, I have experienced different cultures, delved into different subjects that I adore, and had the opportunity to love on several different people. In spite of this, I know that there is still so much more ahead and that this year will continue to shape my life. Am I nervous? Absolutely. Am I inspired? Most definitely.
As with each new beginning in life, I make a terrible habit of overcomplicating things when I should be simplifying. While questions regarding a future career and future relationships once again enter my mind, I find the need to return to the simple truth by which my life has been forever changed:
The God who created everything is the greatest good that exists. He defines justice and beauty and wants us to experience this goodness that he is. He died for us and triumphantly rose so that we can experience him fully, reveling in his goodness and unashamedly sharing it with others.
This is the gospel and tenant by which I live. I study these arts and strive to love people because God is reflected in this. When the very extent of my musings has been reached, it always boils down Solomon’s divinely spoken words of wisdom:
“The end of the matter, all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.”
Senior year? Let’s do this thing.