TWIRP week
It’s that time of year again. There are chalk drawings and scavenger hunt notes all over campus, and I can’t tell you how many doors with sticky notes I have seen with the big question written on it. “TWIRP?” Of course, I could not be left out the festivities and fun. My boyfriend Daniel and I are pretty big Six Flags fans. Well, fans of pretty much any rollercoaster there is. So a-TWIRPing I did go.
I tried to be creative with the TWIRPing, but since I am already dating the TWIRPee, it doesn’t put much creative pressure on me. Here’s how I did it: I had bought a beautiful, ornate birdcage this summer at a yard sale, and it came with a realistic-looking, stuffed bird inside. This pigeon is really creepy looking since it looks so real, so I have been using it for a while to prank people. I left it in my friend’s refrigerator perching on the ketchup bottle lid, and it freaked her out. My boyfriend used it to scare his friends, too, by leaving it in random places. So I thought, why not use it to TWIRP Daniel? I figured out what time and where his class was, and I sneaked in and left the bird at a desk with a sign that said “TWIRP?” When he came in, he recognized the bird right away, and he emphatically accepted my TWIRP invite after class.
So maybe I don’t win in the creativity department. But I don’t care, I’m going to Six Flags! The last time I went to Six Flags, I was a junior in high school, and I had just barely gotten over my fear of rollercoasters, so there was not as much enjoyment then as there will be now that I love rollercoasters. I was so afraid of the Superman ride at Six Flags, but now I think the scarier, the better! Somehow I think that I got these silly little fears in my head, like “What if my head falls off when I go upside-down on the rollercoaster?” or “What if I slip out from under the bars on the rollercoaster and fall out?” I guess the rate of mortality of people on rollercoasters is pretty low, but tell my brain that.
The best part about TWIRPing someone who you are already dating is that instead of paying to spend hours with a guy who you might not know very well, you get to have a fun date with the person you like for an inexpensive price! Daniel and I are not too big on spending money or going on tons of dates, but when it comes to TWIRP I can go all out for him because it is a lot more inexpensive than it would be. Whereas Six Flags is typically $40-60 a person, it is $15 a person for TWIRP week. I am really looking forward to our TWIRP date at Six Flags and the Angels baseball game. This week might go pretty slowly in anticipation!