Waking Up
I count myself considerably blessed to attend a university that challenges me to pursue Christ, even in the midst of a 90-minute morning class. Personally, I find it difficult to stay alert in morning classes, let alone find exhortation in them.
One might say that I am not a morning person. Okay, that was an understatement. In the mornings, I am a barely-functioning zombie of an individual. My mornings generally consist of me struggling to prepare myself to enter the outside world and present myself as a sane person. I begin by treating my alarm clock with unnecessary animosity, and then start the long process of sliding myself out of bed and gradually onto the floor in order to doze as long as possible. I generally don’t find the motivation to move until one of my roommates steps on me. I then ready myself for the day in slow, sleepy steps and do not speak to anyone until I have at least a full cup of coffee.
It’s safe to say that morning classes have always been rough for me. While I love lectures and could happily sit in a classroom all day, I have a hard time fully participating in class until about 11 a.m. (A tip for those of you who have the same problem: eating an apple in the morning helps you to feel energized, and it also helps to bring a mug of coffee to class. If you’re accident-prone like me, bring a lid.) One can imagine, then, that I struggle to remain alert in my 9:30 Global Studies course.
But I digress!
During class time earlier this week, I struggled with fatigue when my professor managed to grab my attention. I was brought to full awareness as he discussed the Great Commission and how we as Christians should respond to it. You all have heard the verses:
“And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”” Matthew 28:18-20 (ESV)
Immediately my ears perked up, and I rejoiced at the fact that I get to learn and discuss these things in the classroom! My professor was bent on reiterating this command to us. He went into a discussion of its practical application and implored us all to live on purpose for the advancement of the Kingdom of God. The Lord has saved us and given us the opportunity to share this Gospel with others. CBU is especially focused on missions, as students and staff take the Great Commission seriously and live it out. What a way to turn a morning around!
Despite my morning stupor, this subject never fails to grab me and leave me in awe of God’s plan for His disciples. It was so refreshing once again to see how the faculty at CBU shares a common goal in encouraging students to seek and follow Christ. It takes statements of intense purpose to wake me up, and I pray that Christ’s commission will continue to wake up sleepers as he uses His disciples to reach the nations.