Flights and Purpose
After my recent trip home for spring break, I was reminded of several things. First, I was once again prompted to discover the fact that airports are very interesting places. People either love or hate air travel considering the rush involved and the many elements keeping you on your toes.
I love flying, and my airport escapades tend to remind me that God is astounding. A happenstance conversation during my spring break flight reminded me that college is a useful time in life that allows us to worship the Lord.
As I said before, I love air travel and everything about it. I love getting through security and settling down to practice my people watching skills at the gate. I adore the feeling of being able to skim through books while soaking in the thrill of travel. I also love boarding the plane, interacting with friendly flight attendants and hoping to score a window seat.
This time, I did have the pleasure of boarding early enough to sit by a window. This seat not only allows for the optimal views, but also ensures that you will not be stuck in the dreaded “middle zone.” You know what I mean: the middle seat that is, in any form of transportation, never a coveted spot. There is a tendency to feel claustrophobic, and this awkwardness only rises on crowded planes when you are stuck between two perfect strangers.
On this particular flight, I discovered a bright side to the middle zone — meeting a brave individual who was exceptionally friendly and talkative. We ended up having a marvelous conversation that lasted the entire length of the flight. Who does not enjoy that in a row companion?
My middle seat friend was a high school senior who had just finished a weeklong stay at a Christian university near California Baptist University and was trying to decide which school to visit next. I jumped at the opportunity to emphatically recommend CBU, and successfully sparked her interest. In our conversation, I was able to answer any questions she posed about college, leading to a wonderful discussion about living college life and clarifying the purpose of going to school in the first place.
Every decision we as Christians make is affected by our decision to serve God and accomplish his will for our lives. My middle seat friend is currently in the throngs of nearing the end of high school and deciding where to go next. She maintained a tangible desire to serve God and was trying to decide how best to use her intelligence to glorify him after high school.
It is my firm belief that attending a university is a wonderful way to worship the Lord. Going to school, especially a biblically rooted school such as CBU, allows students to sharpen their skills and become well equipped to serve our creator using the gifts He gave to us. Utilizing these gifts is a very worshipful act and allows us to boldly take our faith into the world to change it for the glory of God.
College is a unique time in life that allows young men and women to explore their skill sets and discover more about what God has in store. Sharpening the skills we were created with at a university should be done with the intention of using them to serve the creator all our years after we complete our education. It is a privilege to be allowed to serve God with all that we have and all we accomplish, and it leads into a wonderful adventure in pursuit of our redeemer’s honor.
1 Comment
Yes! Bloom where you are planted! Plan for the future, with your eyes on the present.