Getting Healthy
This past week I decided to check out the new Recreation Center at CBU. I did not make any New Year’s resolution this year. Let’s be honest. It is hard to keep those resolutions, but if I had made one, it would be to get fit and in shape this semester.
I bought cute workout clothes to help motivate me to work out, because who wants to look gross when they work out? Not me! The girly girl in me does not want to look sweaty and grungy even if I actually am sweaty and grungy.
I was very impressed when I got inside the Rec Center. Three majestic stories of shiny machines, big screen TVs, and all the equipment have an incredible wow factor. I am pretty sure I will not be venturing into the basketball courts or to the rock wall any time soon, but they definitely looked like a blast for everyone else who is athletically minded. However, I am stoked to play racquetball in the new racquetball courts. I AM a bit wary, after hearing some stories about people (not at CBU) getting teeth knocked out playing racquetball, so you can bet that when I play I will be more decked out in protective gear than a 8 year-old with an overprotective mother.
From the number of people at the Rec Center, it seems like every CBU student has the same ambition to get fit as I do. I just know I am going to be surrounded by buff students everywhere carrying massive textbooks with their mere pinkies. I am rather impressed by the massive number of students I have seen all gung-ho for getting in shape. Next we will be seeing CBU in magazines as one of the “Top Ten Most Fit Universities in the Nation”.
When it comes to working out, I am the biggest wimp in the world. I have to run on the treadmill because if I am going to run, I have to be distracted by a television or watching other people run in order to be motivated. If I ran outside, it would mean, heaven forbid, me realizing how far I have run and then being satisfied with that distance being “good enough”.
While writing this, it occurred to me that sometimes in our walk with the Lord, we get distracted by other things in life and compare ourselves to others and settle for mediocre, thinking I am a “good enough” Christian. This mindset, a lot like the mindset I have when I run, causes many people to stop striving towards a better relationship with God. Francis Chan says that our relationship with God is like an downwards escalator. If we stop running up the stairs, we are being dragged down. If you “settle” and just stand still, you will be dragged down. You must constantly be pursuing and engaging a relationship with Christ.
Those are my thoughts for the week. I hope that you all have a healthy week, physically and spiritually!