Gazing Onward
We’re back, Friends! Last weekend brought us time away from class, the breaking of fasts and the celebration of the hope that’s offered because of what our God did to restore us back to beauty. Coming back after a refreshing Easter, I find myself compelled to look forward after my time spent looking back.
The season of Lent I participated in this year allowed me to reflect on my past and present and to work on cleaning out the areas in my life that I’ve left neglected. I looked back beyond this year to my entire time at CBU and assessed the habits I’ve cultivated. I became aware of the immeasurable worth of each opportunity I have been given to learn further – from choir and work experience to ISP and Focus. Every element of my time spent here has provided me with invaluable experience, whether I realized it in the moment or not. I learned from each chapel session, each late-night conversation, each opportunity to serve, and each day in the classroom. As life plows on, I realize that I had often forgotten to really apply what each moment of my college life has taught me.
Now, with the celebration of Easter and the remembrance of the Cure of Grace to all of life’s ailments, I take what I have looked back on and remembered to use anew. Each moment of college has provided me with information that I can use to build a brighter outlook and a fuller life. I’m made newly aware of the consistent provision of God and his incapacity to fail. I remember that his plans and his glory mean more than what I could contrive on my own. Each person I’ve met has shown me the possibilities of community and the comfort that comes from walking with others. Every opportunity to serve has reminded me to think less of myself and more on how I can spread love to others.
Reminding myself of where I was has helped me to assess what I am building toward in the future. Thank God for bringing me where he wants, and thank God for the hope promised after Easter.
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