“Gooooooo Portugal!”
Welcome to the season of soccer, Lancers! I for one have been waiting all year for this, and am thrilled that it’s finally here!
Our campus is filled with students interested in group sports, and if you’re one of them (massively athletic, or not-so-much) I can guarantee you there’s an option out there for you to get involved.
In my case, I joined the intramural rec league. Joining the league is free, and you simply need to build a team of 8-14 players (friends, co-workers, whoever) and choose which country to represent. Then, just like a competitive league, you’re assigned a color and can opt to order jerseys or simply where T-shirts with your number marked on them. You’ll be emailed a game schedule for the entirety of the season (now through April), and then it’s time to let the games begin!
What’s fabulous about playing in the rec league is that you can assume most players are more interested in having fun than winning. For me, that’s perfect, because I haven’t actually played soccer in almost 7 years and wouldn’t necessarily consider myself a pro (in fact, I laugh at the thought). But by signing up, I’ve still guaranteed myself an opportunity to be involved with one of the most fun and interactive ways to fellowship with fellow Lancers this spring!
Unfortunately we, Portugal, lost our first game yesterday (0-1… sad day). But, in the spirit of good sportsmanship, we’ve been challenged to practice a little harder and arrive at our next match with a fresh start and thirst for a good time! Can’t wait! 🙂
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