Closing in on the End
I’m not sure if it truly hit me until now that I am about to move on from Cal Baptist to a new stage.
Sure, I will stay in the area and be within a short driving distance of a few of my best friends. And of course, I have the honor of looking forward to starting life with my awesome future husband and plugging in even more deeply to our church community. All that said, I’ve begun to go methodically through the elements of CBU life that I will miss and make a point to focus intentionally on each of them.
My first step in this “see ya later” process has been to embrace each and every monumental moment as my last for now and make it count. This has currently taken the form of me attending my last English major event as an undergrad and making it a HUGE deal. This event was, fittingly, a Sherlock Holmes party, bookending my work in Senior Project as I wrote my capstone on this character. I threw myself into each trivia question and scavenger hunt challenge, and let me tell you, I had the time of my life. Cheers, English Department.
Along with this, I attended the last concert I’ll be able to see for a while of one of my favorite local bands, My Double My Brother. I went with my roommate from freshman year who remained a steadfast friend and introduced me to the band. We have been steady groupies all four years, and since we are parting ways soon, we decided we should go to this concert as a nod to good times past.
Each of these gestures have carried special significance due to the timing, and though they are small, they mean the world to me as I’m finishing of this season of my undergrad. Take this as a challenge for all of us to dive in even more deeply to wherever we are at this very moment. Lord knows life is short, and we could all afford to appreciate the little things just a bit more.
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