Time to Juggle
So I walked into my first class coming back from spring break, and my professor greeted us with, “Welcome back! Guess what? After this one, we only have four weeks left!”
I couldn’t believe my ears. Despite how long each school day feels, the semesters feel shorter every time around… It’s funny to me how students don’t seem to realize just how much professors also can’t wait for summer break. I could hear the echo of relief in her voice!
So what to do with these last four weeks? The final month of the semester is always the most chaotic. Students are juggling projects, presentations, final exams, part-time jobs, relationships, and so on and so forth…and, the soccer season for us won’t end until early April. Plus, I’ve got this wedding to plan. Did I mention that I have final exams, part-time jobs, relationships, and soccer to juggle too? I did? Oops.
The Bible says that the Lord will walk alongside us in our struggle. College students all over the world had better hold onto that hope if they intend to finish strong. We at Cal Baptist are especially fortunate to be reminded of this truth every day. Sometimes I wonder why the Office of Spiritual Life crams the majority of our chapels into the second half of the semester, but right now I’m truly wondering if the intention was to provide a little wisdom and sanity during our most trying time.
As I enter into these last four weeks, it is critical that I remember that I am fortunate enough to be in a place where I am blessed with the company of professors and mentors who truly love and look out for me and my wellbeing.
Here we go. Time to juggle.
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