The Beginning of the End
Aaand we’re back!
Friends, I hope you all had a marvelous Christmas break that was filled with love, relaxation and a healthy amount of productivity. I can honestly say that my break was filled to the brim with the former two items, but slightly lacking in the third due to the release of every season of “Friends” on Netflix. Thus, I’m now completely rested up and eager to dive back into reality at the university that holds my heart.
As I went through my four-year long journey at CBU, I realized that at the start of every semester I am consistently reminded of why I chose to come here in the first place. Each fresh start brims with the giddy anticipation of all that will happen over the next 15 weeks. We are reunited with our friends and feel that unmistakably comforting sensation that we are at our home away from home. There is something about the communal atmosphere that can’t be ignored.
When I first toured CBU, I have to admit that I did not think that I would come here. Today, as I dive into what will be my very last first day of school, I am so thankful that I ended up exactly where I am. There is no doubt in my mind that being a student at CBU has set my life on a trajectory that I am thrilled with. At this university, I have met some of the most influential people in my life, and I grew more than I could have conceived. I discovered new academic passions due to the attention of caring professors and a variety of fields to choose from. I have had opportunities to refine my central beliefs and see exactly how my faith converges with all my passion, knowledge and experience. I owe so much of who I am to my time at CBU, and as I sentimentally begin the last semester of my senior year, I am so excited to finish what I began and see what will come next. I’m convinced, as ever, that life is a fantastic adventure.
See you next week.
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