Acting Out Redemption
Recently, I have consistently been reminded of the beauty of redemption.
As a concept, it seems complex as it does contain a great deal of depth. In practice and impact on everyday life, it is multifaceted and freeing. I have seen so much of this in various ways in my experience as a college student at CBU. Sitting through lectures and participating in life with my dearly loved friends in various majors has shown me so clearly that God’s redemptive nature is active, and indescribably beautiful.
When I read scripture, I see how the Creator made a gorgeous and thoroughly good world. He designed us in his image, man and woman, to experience and steward this goodness. While we do live in a state that has been perverted by sin, we can still catch vivid glimpses of the goodness in creation through the perfect character of our deity.
The world is beautiful not only in its form and activity, but in its diversity of culture and in the giftings of all individuals. Each singular talent is a redeemable gift and blessing. I am able to worship my God in using my love of literature and film and my longing to show others the elements of God as shown through those mediums. Friends are able to capture the beauty of the world and minister to others through visual arts. Still others study gender and culture and work to spread the gospel through engaging social justice. These are just a few manifestations of the diverse and redeemable talents that can all be used to honor the Creator.
The verse that always comes to mind when I consider individual passions and gifts is Luke 12:48. Jesus says: “Everyone to whom much was given, of him much will be required, and from him to whom they entrusted much, they will demand the more.” If we have been redeemed, our talents and passions have as well, and we as students should work to perfect these skills and use them to advance the Kingdom. With that, readers, let’s go out and use what we have been given to be awesome.
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