Cottage Coffeehouse Talent Show
“You know I’m all about that bass, no treble” rang through the ears of the residents and all others who came to the Cottage Coffeehouse talent show. Last week, the Cottage RAs put on a coffeehouse-style talent show to exhibit the incredible talent we have within the Cottages.
May I say the talent was amazing! Vocal acts, stand-up, and even a girl from my cottage exhibited her master skill on the violin. I was blown away by how amazing these kids were. Though the highlight of all the acts were Jon and Ben of Cottage 13 singing an acoustic version of “All About That Bass” by Meghan Trainor. This performance was definitely the one to remember for this year.
What is a coffeehouse show without coffee? Oh right, nothing! We were provided with Starbucks coffee and an arrangement of fall cremes and snacks to get us hyped for the upcoming autumn season!
Once we finished our coffee and the last act performed, it was time to have even more fun. An arrangement of dubstep, line dancing and Disney music was played to close out the night. We all joined together in the cottage lawn to dance and go crazy. It was definitely a night that neither I nor the rest of the Cottage residents will ever forget!
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