Breakfast Success
As a young, male college student I represent a few stereotypes. I sleep in, I procrastinate on all homework assignments, and I leave campus late at night to eat greasy fast foods. One stereotype I’ve been trying to overcome, however, is the inability to cook. Too many times last year, I found myself in my apartment starving with nothing more than an empty pantry and refrigerator mocking my state of distress. Even if I had the ingredients, though, I wouldn’t know how to create a fulfilling meal.
I took it upon myself, then, this summer to learn just that. I started with baking since making cookies and breads would provide an ideal snack for late-night study sessions. I soon came to realize that every recipe involved ample amounts of butter, sugar and eggs, and I was OK with that. With sweets covered I knew, I would have to move to real foods, and the only meal I would have time to prepare would be breakfast. I wanted to perfect the CBU brunch delectable I crave each Sunday: the omelet.
My first two weeks on campus, I cooked up the most mutilated-looking egg creations you’ve ever seen. But I improved and garnered enough confidence to host a breakfast for my residents last week. I brought an electric stove out by the Colony barbecues and set up a little breakfast station complete with tablecloth, toaster and hot water pot. I provided bagels and orange juice as well, but those were just the extras .
The entrée would be my omelets. Groups of residents came and left through the morning, grabbing tea here and a Nutella bagel there. Finally, I was asked to cook. I beat the eggs, poured it onto my pan, added cheese and ham and waited. After a minute I folded the omelet easily and served the most beautiful thing I’ve ever created. Breakfast event was a success, and my stomach hasn’t been happier.