Starting Things Right
How is it already my 5th semester at CBU? I am essentially three weeks past the half way mark of my college experience, and yet I still marvel at the blessings of sushi Tuesdays, the joys of longboard cruising across campus, and the serene view of a front lawn sunset. Each year since I’ve been here, there have been new buildings, new campus dining options, and new involvements for myself to invest in. Already this year is shaping up to be different than any other year, and that has everything to do with being a Resident Advisor.
If you read my blogs last semester, then you would know that I applied in the spring, missed the first interview due to a roommate graciously passing on his flu, and to my complete disbelief received an email of acceptance. Here I am, an East Colony RA, and I love it.
My title not only resembles my initials, but it also provides a platform for me to create a healthy living community on campus. I am a social, spontaneous hangouts, kind of guy as it is, and now as an RA, I have more than enough opportunities to do just that. My specific apartment section is the Global Village, which means I have a number of international students as residents. They all moved in early as well, so I had plenty of time before classes started to introduce them to CBU and sunny California culture. Most of these guys haven’t even visited an English-speaking country before. I was honored to be the one to take them to the ADC for the first time. Always a memorable moment.
Beyond getting to know my French and Chinese residents, just having the platform to serve my residents is amazing. The year has only just begun, and already I’m excited to plan movie nights and organize soccer games. I took up baking this summer, and yes, I baked for them the best oatmeal cookies. You can ask them. They tasted amazing. It’s those random activities, too, that really motivate me. We made a crepes and Nutella the other night, and you bet my French residents taste-tested everything. There will be plenty of fun stories to share this year. I can’t wait to see them happen.