Four free tools to help you get started with formative assessments

By Robert Shields

Formative assessments tell instructors how students are progressing toward specific learning objectives. These types of assessments give students a chance to practice skills and receive timely feedback. Formative assessments can serve as points of connection/engagement within a course and can be delivered in a variety of forms, including, but not limited to, weekly reflections and low stakes reading comprehension quizzes. Research suggests that multiple, low stakes assignments support learning more than a single summative one. Formative assessments can also help keep students accountable (Darby & Lang, 2019; Quality Matters, 2023).

Quality Matters (QM), a quality assurance framework for online and blended courses, emphasizes the alignment of learning objectives with learning activities in a course (Quality Matters, 2023). A well-aligned course includes formative assessments that help students work toward mastering learning objectives and prepare for final assessments (e.g., critical assessment). Formative assessments also give instructors opportunities to address any major concerns before final assessments are submitted by students.

Here are four technology tools that can help you get started with formative assessments this semester:

  1. Slido. Slido is a tool that presenters can use to create interactive polls. Slido can also easily integrate into Microsoft PowerPoint and Microsoft Teams. The tool also includes “upvoting” that allows polling participants to move their most important questions to the top of the list. Slido offers a free option for users. The tool is available online at (Slido, n.d.).
  2. Socrative. Socrative is an online tool that allows teachers to create quizzes, “space races,” and exit tickets that provide instant feedback to students. Students receive feedback based on their responses to online questions and prompts. Instructors can also create multiple choice, true/false, and even short answer questions. Socrative users can create a library of questions and use an AI feature for adding quizzes. The tool is 100% free for students to access and offers free and paid options to teachers. The tool can be accessed online at (Socrative, n.d.).
  3. Kahoot. Kahoot! Basic is free to use and offers a higher education version. Kahoot can be used to create short interactive lessons with polls and quizzes. Users can also create stories using “building blocks.” Kahoot can also be used to create longer quizzing sessions that include videos, documents, and assessments. Kahoot is a popular option for in-class activities and polling. Kahoot can be accessed at (Kahoot!, n.d.).
  4. Clickers. Clickers allow students to respond to a poll in class and view results instantly. Modern clicker technology allows students to participate using a cell phone, their computer, or a clicker device (Echo360, n.d.). Contact the CBU ITS department at to learn more about how you can use clickers in your classroom this semester.


As you can see, faculty can use free tools to create engagement in their online, hybrid, or in-person classes. Formative assessments give faculty a way to track student progress, provide instant feedback, and keep students engaged. Contact the CBU Teaching and Learning Center to explore ways to incorporate formative assessment tools in your class today!


Darby, F., & Lang, J. M. (2019). Small teaching online: Applying learning science in online classes (First edition.). Jossey-Bass, a Wiley Brand.

Echo360. (n.d.). Hybrid learning: A comprehensive guide for educators. Retrieved September 27, 2024, from

Kahoot! (n.d.). Kahoot: Play this game. Retrieved September 27, 2024, from

Quality Matters. (2023). QM higher education rubric, seventh edition. Used under license. All rights reserved. Retrieved from MyQM.

Slido. (n.d.). Slido: Audience interaction made easy. Retrieved September 27, 2024, from

Socrative. (n.d.). Socrative: Student response system. Retrieved September 27, 2024, from

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