Show Some Love
This week is Valentine’s Day! If you did not know that, you should climb out from under your rock.
If you are aware of it, you probably are going through some thought process about the holiday. It seems like every year all the single people are rallying with their cry of “Valentine’s Day is the stupidest holiday ever!” and “I love being single forever!” All the couples are in a frenzy planning the best Valentine’s Day ever and cooking up delicious goodies for their loved ones.
A man came into my office at the Academic Resource Center this past week proclaiming that Valentine’s Day was the worst holiday and that he would never enjoy it, even if he had someone in the future. That made me sad because, frankly, I believe it is a wonderful holiday, whether I have someone to be with that day or not. But someone who was also in my office at the time made a good point. She said that Valentine’s Day does not have to be about romantic love. It can be a day where you focus especially on showing people love throughout the day.
While we should always show love to others, we can set aside special time and focus to showing others love on V-day. For example, my college group at church is having a “Heart Attack” event where we go to the homes of people in our church and fork their lawns. On the forks we are putting hearts with notes of encouragement and appreciation to uplift and bless the people that we “attack.” Not only is it a fun time to build relationships, but we get to show members of our church how much we love and appreciate them.
I found even more ideas for using Valentine’s Day to show love on this website:
Some good ideas are to:
- Write a letter. It is always fun to receive handwritten mail from someone you love, and in the midst of a busy week it could be really uplifting. Consider writing one to someone who is having a rough time or who is alone on Valentine’s Day.
- Give someone a call! Call that friend that you do not get to see very much anymore and you may have lost touch with. They may have been wanting to hear from you and gotten left behind in the busyness of life.
- Do some Random Acts of Kindness. This week, from the 14th-20th is Random Acts of Kindess week! Some fun ideas are to Pay It Forward at Starbucks, or buy groceries for a family who is under the weather.
- Bake! Baking is not only good for the soul, but fun to do! Utilize this cold weather to stay inside and get warm by the oven. Making food for someone is a good way to their hearts, and lots of good relationships are formed over the eating of food.
I hope you all have a blessed Valentine’s Day. Love somebody!