Discipleship Groups

Discipleship groups are small groups of 3-6 people who meet to specifically challenge and encourage each other in the areas of accountability and prayer. They start organically within Tribes and Challenge Nights. If you want to be a part of one of these groups, seek someone out to begin to invest in you.

While all Discipleship Groups take different forms, here is an outline of what a Discipleship Group might look like:

Relate – Spend some time catching up on recent history. Ask specific questions about specific events in the lives of the people you are investing in. It may help to write down things so you can remember how to pray for them.

Accountability – People do what is inspected not what is expected. If you are trying to help someone spend consistent time in God’s Word, make sure you are consistent in asking them how it is going. Remember to ask about any specific applications or assignments you went over in your previous time together.

A great set of accountability questions can be found here:
Accountability Questions

Material – If you want to be a leader you have to be going somewhere. Ask the people you are meeting with if there are any areas they want to grow in. Observe their lives and discover areas they need to grow in. Spend time preparing a Biblically based lesson or discussion over a skill, character, or visionary principle they need to develop. Help them think of a way to practice living that out over the next week.

Focus on the different “spokes” of the wheel:
The Wheel Illustration

Prayer – Spend time praying for each other and specifically praying for the lost in your lives

Watch this video to hear from formers students on what helped them grow spiritually during their time at CBU, and what they took for granted during their time here.